Small victories

Today I wanted to share with you some good news.

art painting, contemporary art, portrait

Beauty lies in imperfection, abstract portrait. Contemporary art painting by Zlatko Music

My artwork “Beauty lies in imperfection” is selected to be displayed on hi-resolution screen on the 2nd floor of the Saatchi Gallery.

According to their website, Saatchi Gallery aims to provide an innovative forum for contemporary art, presenting work by largely unseen young artists or by international artists whose work has been rarely or never exhibited in the UK.

Lately I’ve been working on promoting my art so it’s nice to see some results.

print available on

Beauty lies in imperfection, abstract portrait

Abstract portrait / Apstraktni portret (acrylic on canvas/akril na platnu)

Abstract portrait / Apstraktni portret (acrylic on canvas/akril na platnu)

Beauty lies in imperfection, every face is an unfinished painting waiting to be done.

print available on

Fall in love with art / Zaljubiti se u umjetnost

contemporary art painting by Zlatko Music contemporary art painting by Zlatko Music (acrylic on canvas) contemporary art painting by Zlatko Music, acrylic on canvas contemporary art painting by Zlatko Music, The Passage (acrylic on canvas)

The moment you fall in love with your work.
It doesn’t matter if you are an artist or you just like to draw sometimes, either on canvas with the goal to create a work of art, or out of boredom on a napkin, you know that feeling.

Almost everyone has a bunch of doodles at home, drawn while talking on the phone or in similar situations…These silly little works of art can be difficult to throw in the trash, for some reason we attach value to them.
I get emotionally attached to my work in the same way.

For a long time I didn’t want to show my paintings to anyone and to sell them was out of the question. All because of that emotional attachment.
Only when I started to post pictures of my work on my Facebook page,
I realized something. There are people who share the same love for art as me, people who are not artists but feel a deep emotional connection with art. They start to perceive their stories in my art.
At that point, my paintings are no longer mine alone, these people are no longer strangers. They become friends, because something in common binds us.

Today I have the pleasure to demonstrate that connection.
Some of my paintings found a new home in Toronto, Canada.


Trenutak kad se zaljubiš u svojih ruku djelo.
Svako ko se bavi umjetnošću ili bar ponekad nešto nacrta, bilo na platnu s ciljem da stvori umjetničko djelo ili iz dosade na salveti, zna taj osjećaj.
Svi kući imaju hrpu papirića sa švrljotinama nastalim dok pričaju na telefon ili u sličnim situacijama…Ta mala umjetnička djela se teško bacaju u smeće, mi im nesvjesno pridajemo vrijednost.
Tako se i ja vežem za svoje radove.

Dugo vremena sam odbijao da pokazujem svoje slike, da ih prodam ili poklonim nije mi ni padalo na pamet.
To je ta čudna emotivna vezanost, pa makar i za škrabotine…

Kad sam počeo da postavljam slike na Facebook stranici koju sam otvorio na nagovor, shvatio sam nešto. Postoje ljudi koji dijele istu ljubav prema umjetnosti, ljudi koji se ne bave slikarstvom, ali osjećaju duboku povezanost prema slici. Smišljaju svoje priče, vežu svoje emocije i doživljaje za moj rad.
U tom trenutku moje slike prestaju biti samo moje a ti ljudi prestaju biti stranci i postaju prijatelji. Prijatelji, jer nas veže nešto zajedničko.

Danas imam čast da demonstriram tu povezanost. Moje slike krase zidove dalekog Toronta, okeani nisu prepreka da se dijeli ljubav prema umjetnosti.

Portrait of Her

Who would know what the future holds? Let’s stay in silence until the end of wars.
Portrait of Her…

Portrait / Portret (acrylic on canvas/akril na platnu)

Portrait / Portret (acrylic on canvas/akril na platnu)

print available on