Shadows on the bridge

contemporary art painting, urban landscape

Shadows on the bridge, abstract art painting by Zlatko Music

Last year I was visiting a friend, who is also a very talented photographer, Nemanja from Sremska Mitrovica.
(Sremska Mitrovica or Sirmium is a small town located in the province of Vojvodina, Serbia. It’s one of the oldest cities in Europe.)

It was nice weather so we opted for a short trip to Novi Sad, since I never been there before.
After a short ride through national park Fruska Gora, with a few stops so he could take some photos, we arrived in Novi Sad. Upon entering the city and a brief tour of Petrovaradin Fortress, we crossed the bridge over the Danube river, that leads to the city center.
We spent some time there strolling around the city, visiting some of the local galleries and enjoying our time.
Even though I enjoyed my visit to the beautiful city of Novi Sad, for some reason the image of that bridge strewn with the sunlight got stuck in my head so I created this painting as my personal impression of that bridge.
I used a few photos as a reference, but mostly I painted from memory.

I hope you like it.

By the way, here are some photos taken by my friend. You can follow him on Instagram

You can also follow me on Instagram if you want @zlatkomusic

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